Style and Modern Agriculture

Here at Flower Shell, we rely on a modern innovation to make seeding much easier, but also much more efficient – about time you start loving it.
We have created a modern shell that you can use with most shotguns. The thing is you do not have to use it to hunt, but to seed. The shell is specifically designed to be filled up with seeds. Once shot out, it will spread the seeds over the targeted area. It is a much quicker way to spread seeds around, so you can literally save days off the seeding season. To make things even better, the procedure is simple and efficient, without having to break your back.
Find out everything you need to know about our innovative shell.
What makes us special

Our company has a rich farming background. Before the shotgun shell came out on the market, we were involved with various agriculture processes – some of them are still ongoing..

Fully awarded

Fully certified
Quality comes first
When it comes to seeding, you want to take your time. This is the reason wherefore we chose not to sacrifice performance or quality. While we do make the job easier and much faster, your activity will not lose its efficiency in the long run, so you can count on excellent results.
We put quality first, regardless of the products we release and this one makes no exception either.
Count on us
You can base your entire seeding season on our shotgun shells. We have never failed to deliver. We supply hundreds of farms all across the country and we have always delivered on time. We make a dependable supplier who you can count on.
Make sure you get in touch with us early to avoid disappointment, so call us.
Latest News and Articles
Vaping – How It Started
Vaping wasn’t included in the Oxford dictionary until recently, which is why you might be wondering some word processors with spell checkers doesn’t recognize the name. If you try to ask Google to define what vaping is, you will get an answer. It is more or less like this – it is the act of the user inhaling the vapor that is produced by any personal vaporizer or electronic cigarette. The e-juice or the e-liquid present in the cartridge which goes within the atomizer is a blend of vegetable glycerine and propylene glycol which acts as the base for the nicotine, flavors and other chemicals that are added with it.
Vaping has ignited the world today among those that are looking for means to quit smoking or an alternative from the traditional smoke. It has also sparked a debate in the medical world as well, and have found its way into every TV news show and newspaper. There are around 10 million Americans that are into vaping right now and over 2 million do not smoke traditional cigarettes anymore. The overall number of users that vape all over the world is difficult to predict or know more about but estimated to be over 30 million of them.
You’d be interested to know where all this vaping madness started. The perfect example here is the free-market capitalism or the response of the consumers about the health crisis wherein the government hasn’t solved it since or the technology revolution that is driven by the users. People see it as the combination of these three things!
You’d definitely witness the popularity of vaping skyrocketing while smoking has declined at a rate so fast no one could imagine. But now that vaping has become more visible to the public, so does fear and doubt about it. This is such an easy target for any person that are searching for ways to capitalize on the good old way about moral panic.
Various Vapor Products
Before vaping became a word to refer to what is inhaling and exhaling aerosol, electronic cigarettes was the one that dominated the vaping world. During the time when electronic cigarettes were introduced in the US market, you’d never hear the word ‘vaping’ at all. Electronic cigarettes were introduced as an alternative to traditional smoking and even marketed further as a way for habitual smokers to quit smoking altogether. This is because the vape juice that comes with this cartridge can be customized according to the preferences of the user. This means that you can have the nicotine level adjusted to higher or lower strengths. If you want to quit smoking through vaping, all you need to do is start with the higher strength and gradually lower it down until you reach 0mg.
The best vape juice
Vape juice or ejuice is the refillable liquid component to your vape, and it comes in a variety of flavors and strengths. While a smoker may not realize it, once your taste buds have recovered the personalization fo your vape juice flavor plays a vital role in continued smoking cessation. That is why some of the best vape juices such as eliquid depot offer a diverse range and variety of flavors.
The term e-cigarette or electronic cigarette does not really only refer to smoking the cigalikes, although you will find people referring it that way. The e-cigarette that’s being talked about here refers to any device used for vaping. The other common names associated with this product are the MODs, Vape, or personal vaporizer, which is shortened to PV. The MOD term originally comes from the earliest users of e-cigs that have modified their electronic cigarettes to work better or have been modified for other products such as laser pointers and flashlights that works as vapes as well. Whether this product is small or big, refillable or disposable, electronic cigarettes still do the same thing.
Everyone you meet that vapes will have a different perspective on it. One of them is to help them quit smoking. For the health experts, they find it quit a concern that it might be more dangerous than traditional smoking.